Thunder Rider
JoinedTopics Started by Thunder Rider
Star Trek: Enterprise
by Big Tex inmy local upn station keeps moving enterprise around.
sometimes it's on friday, sometimes it's on wednesdays, sometimes it's not on at all.
so as a result i haven't watched more than a couple of espisodes this season.
Jessica Lundsford would still be alive....
by avishai inif john couey had been executed or imprisoned for life the first time he was convicted
Rate Your Wife!
by Golf inprov.
18:22 reads in part, "has one found a good wife?
one has found a good thing,..." .
Are you afraid to watch The Exorcist?
by Pwned infor the longest time i was afraid to see it, and when i did i have to admit i felt 'weird', anyone else feel this way.
What's your take on morality?
by Narkissos inas former jws we were part of a highly moralising religion.
we have experienced the disastrous consequences of it in terms of hypocrisy, judgementalism or pathologic guilt.
most of us have changed our "moral parameters" drastically, but how far have we gone in questioning morality itself?.
Related to Anyone Famous?
by the_classicist inrwagner's post go me thinking.
are any of your ancestors famous?
the only famous one i can think of is sir robert peel, i'm not too sure what he did.
Media's coverage has distorted world's view of Iraqi reality
by Elsewhere in
media's coverage has distorted world's view of iraqi reality .
by ltc tim ryanspecial to world
What do you make of this picture?
by heart2heart inmum took this picture in the summer (she loves to photograph flowers, mushrooms and insects) and this one really shocked us - look at the head of the moth!
to us it looks like a little human head!
very strange.
Married People are less Creative
by one in>1=5938&cbrecursioncnt=1&cbsid=014626ac55874d07be5b18eb4a51333c-158374177-tf-1
"a study of 280 successful scientists found that their creativity tended to diminish once they got married.
this also held true for musicians, painters and authors.
President Bush donates $10,000
by yesidid in.
it has just been announced on cnn that president bush has contributed $10,000 of his own money to the tsunami victims.. poor guy he obviously doesn't have much money.. .